Custom Hearing Protection

Noise induced hearing loss is preventable, not reversible. We offer custom hearing protection. Each ear is unique; custom hearing protection allows for maximum protection and comfort by making an exact mold of your ears. We will either laser scan your ears using state of the art equipment called Otoscan® or make ear mold impressions using silicone. Our audiologists will determine which method works best for your ear shape and size. We offer a variety of options, colors, and styles, depending on what suits your needs:
- Occupational: dental, construction, medical, manufacturing, factory, musicians
- Sports enthusiast/recreational: motor sports, shooting, swimming, hunting, concerts
If you are interested in ordering in-ear monitors, please click here.
Do you know?

- The maximum sound level within dental offices were slightly higher than the 85dB level. (Source: J Dent Sci Res. 2011;2(2):32-35)
- Hearing loss starts with long or repeated exposures to sounds at or above 85 decibels. (Source: National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders)
- 50% of dentists are more likely to suffer hearing loss than the general public. (Source: Today’s RDH “Hearing Loss in Dentistry”)

- Exposure to 90dB sound for more than 2.5 hours and l00dB for more than 15 minutes can cause irreversible hearing loss. (Source:
- Research suggests that 30-50% of musicians have hearing problems. (Source: NIDCD “Protect your hearing when you play an instrument.”)
- Continual exposure to noise can cause stress, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, heart disease, and many other problems. (Source: CDC “Hearing Loss”)
Motor Sports

- Wind noise produced when riding a motorcycle can muffle your hearing and cause disturbing ringing after your ride.
- A motorcycle engine can exceed 100dB. Exposure to 100dB for more than 15 minutes causes irreversible hearing loss. (Source: DDH (NIOSH) publication #98-126 Table 1-1)
- The prevalence of existing noise-induced hearing loss among motorcycle riders was assumed at 50%. (Source: NCBI, NIH 2020 26(1))

- A gunshot can exceed up to 140dB which can cause instantaneous permanent hearing damage.
- People who use firearms are more likely to develop irreversible hearing loss than those who do not.
- People tend to remove hearing protection when they need to talk, accidentally exposing them to hazardous noise without hearing protection.
Check out our Instagram page to see different colors and styles of earplugs.