• Hearing Evaluation
  • Balance Testing
  • Hearing Aids
  • Sound Retraining
  • Custom Hearing Protection

Hearing Evaluation

Hearing is a survival skill that provides animals with many advantages. It's the only sensory system that allows us to understand what's happening around us, without having to look.

Did you know?

Fact 1: An estimated 17% of teenagers and 19% of people in their 20s have signs of noise-induced hearing loss, according to research. And more than 1 billion young adults worldwide are at risk of permanent, avoidable hearing loss that's caused by unsafe listening practices, according to the World Health Organization.

Fact 2: Hearing loss is the #1 modifiable risk factor for dementia when identified and addressed in mid-life.1

Several studies are ongoing to determine if the use of hearing aids can help reduce the risk of developing dementia.

According to John Hopkins, hearing loss has long term effects on overall health. Risks include falls, depression, isolation, and cognitive decline.

A comprehensive hearing evaluation will determine the cause of the hearing problems using a variety of tests. There are no needles or pricks during a hearing evaluation. We also offer quick screening, a computerized cognitive screening device called Cognivue to see how hard your brain is working in your daily life. The test is self-administered and takes about five to ten minutes to complete. It uses FDA-cleared technology to assess cognitive function in areas such as memory, visuospatial skills, and executive function. The results will help audiologists understand your full communication needs and abilities, which will help us manage and treat your hearing loss more effectively. First time screening is included with your hearing evaluation at no cost. Additional screenings are available if you’d like to track your cognitive progress.

Our audiologists take time to listen to your needs, concerns, go over test results and treatment options at your initial appointment. We encourage family members to come to the appointment to be part of your hearing health journey.

Patient Testimonials

I found Dr. Mamiya to be very friendly and informative. I would highly recommend everyone I know to her. I am very happy and impressed with Dr. Mamiya and her wonderful staff! - Alan, Seatlle, Washington

Balance Testing

We understand that balance issues interfere with your daily life, making even the simplest of tasks difficult. Many hospitals and clinics have a waitlist of 3 to 4 months for a balance evaluation. We can schedule your balance evaluation within a few weeks, ensuring you receive the next steps for treatment from your doctor in an efficient manner.

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), dizziness or loss of balance will affect 90 million Americans sometime during their lifetime. People experience all kinds of symptoms from light-headedness/dizziness to self/world spinning.

Take the Patient Self Quiz Now to find out if a vestibular and equilibrium evaluation should be considered.

PAC Audiology is excited to announce our partnership with the American Institute of Balance (AIB), located in Largo, FL. AIB is one of the country’s best-known diagnostic, treatment and educational facilities specializing in equilibrium disorders. The Institute is widely recognized for providing practitioners with the most current clinical and scientific breakthroughs in treatments. We are proud to announce that AIB has qualified us as a Center of Specialty Care!

Patient Testimonials

I found Dr. Abong to be very patient, thoroughly professional, and compassionate. Dr. Abong conducted an extremely detailed test for my dizziness issues. I was very nervous at the beginning, but she helped me relax and explained each test and answered all my questions. I am glad to have found her.
- Sarah, Renton, Washington

Hearing Aids

Hearing aids help you listen, communicate, and participate more fully in your daily life and activities. People with hearing loss are at an increased risk for depression, falls, decreased quality of life, and developing dementia. Studies have shown that hearing aids have many benefits to address these issues. There are also studies showing evidence of neurocognitive benefits from the use of hearing aids.

Hearing aids have advanced significantly over the past 10 years. Nowadays, hearing aids can be rechargeable, are more technologically advanced, and come in stylish designs. Many features can be controlled with your smartphone via Bluetooth. You and your audiologist will determine the best option based on your type of hearing loss, lifestyle, and budgetary goals.

There are two main styles of hearing aids.

Behind-The-Ear (BTE) and Receiver-In-Canal (RIC) These models are available for all degrees of hearing loss and worn comfortably behind the ear. These models are available in many different colors, styles, and technology levels.

Custom - These models are made specifically to fit the shape of your ear canal for maximum benefit and the best possible comfort. They are available in many skin tones, are unobtrusive and very effective. The smallest models sit in your ear canal and are virtually invisible. Note: Some companies offer non-custom CICs that are also non-visible.

Patient Testimonials

I am very happy with my hearing aids. They are very comfortable and easy to maintain. I cannot say enough as to how my life has changed since getting hearing aids from PAC Audiology. Sounds that I forgot existed are, once again, a part of my life. I can now hear my cat meow. - Cherie, Seatlle, Washington

Sound Retraining Therapy

Tinnitus is a sensation of sounds heard inside the head, commonly described as a high pitch ringing. We are selected as a Lenire provider. Schedule your evaluation appointment now.

Hyperacusis is a disorder in loudness perception. Patients suffering from hyperacusis may appear overly sensitive to a range of sounds, finding many noises unbearable and painfully loud.

Misophonia is defined as a strong dislike of certain sounds and an abnormally strong reaction to them such as anger or even fear. The specific sounds that cause the reaction are unique to each individual.

The goal of the sound retraining program for tinnitus is to evaluate and help the patient habituate to their tinnitus so it doesn’t interfere with their life. The sound retraining program for the hyperacusis or misophonia patient will help tolerate annoying sounds and learn to cope.

For more information, go to our FAQ page.

Patient Testimonials

Although I still hear ringing, it's much quieter now and it doesn't interrupt my life or my work. - Ted, Federal Way, Washington

Custom Hearing Protection

Custom Earmolds

Noise induced hearing loss is preventable, not reversible. We offer custom hearing protection. Each ear is unique; custom hearing protection allows for maximum protection and comfort by making an exact mold of your ears. We will either laser scan your ears using state of the art equipment called Otoscan® or make ear mold impressions using silicone. Our audiologists will determine which method works best for your ear shape and size. We offer a variety of options, colors, and styles, depending on what suits your needs:

  • Musicians - In-Ear Monitor Systems/Hearing Protection
  • Sports Enthusiasts - Motor sports, swimming, hunting & shooting
  • Occupational Use - Dental, Construction, Aviation, Medical, Broadcasting, other industrial & recreational activities

Check out our Instagram page to see different colors and styles of earplugs.

We offer gift cards! Preventing irreversible hearing loss is simple, easy, and affordable. A perfect gift for your family, friends, and yourself!

Patient Testimonials

I am very happy with my custom earplugs for hearing protection. They are perfect for my needs as I am very sensitive to road noise and loud music.
- Keiko, Bellevue, Washington


Central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) is also known as Auditory processing disorder (APD). People with CAPD usually have normal hearing. However, parents and/or other people often notice that their child(ren) have difficulty in understanding verbally presented information or require extra time to process what people are saying.

    Common symptoms:
  • Struggles with following directions
  • Struggles with listening and following conversations, especially when there is background noise
  • Difficulty differentiating between sounds in words
  • Requires repetition or rephrasing of what people said
  • Difficulty understanding or can become overwhelmed when others speak quickly
  • Takes longer to respond to others
  • Poor musical and singing skills
  • Difficulty paying attention
  • Easily distracted

While the symptoms of CAPD have some overlap with symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), we have clear diagnostic indicators that will allow us to accurately diagnose CAPD. When you make an appointment for a CAPD exam, we will perform a comprehensive hearing evaluation followed by the CAPD evaluation. Once CAPD is diagnosed, we will discuss treatment options. The appointment will start at 9:15am and be done around 2pm.

Patient Testimonials

Dr. Miller is extremely knowledgeable. I found Dr. Miller to be very patient, thoroughly professional and compassionate. Her findings for our child have helped us tremendously as parents to better understand and relate to our child.
- Kim, Sammamish, Washington